That's all your contract called for.and more. You promised one round of minor help, and delivered it at a key moment. It cannot be seen by the naked eye so the only way to see it is by equiping a filter to. "Maybe, but by my count it still squares things between us. Plasma comes in 4 different colours, red, blue, green and purple. "Right," I nodded, wondering what he was leading up to. "Well, I guess it's time for us to head back to the hotel. "As a matter of fact, you went to great lengths to impress me with how little you could do." He floated up to eye level with me, frowning as he cocked his head to one side. To my thinking, that fulfills your contract." You used a spell to sober me up before I had to fight those goons. It was less dangerous than trying to lend a hand in the fight." The color of each system's sphere indicates what kind of plasma, if any, can be gathered there. This map shows all of the systems, the jumpgate network, and the areas controlled by each faction. The number of planets in each system vary from 1 to 5. The Djin folded his arms and stared, frowning into the distance for several moments. There are a total of 34 systems in the GOF2 galaxy, including Valkyrie and Supernova, of which only 23 are available in the base game. The well meant advice from the Butterfly, the drinking, the fight, the head-butting with the police all swelled within me until my mind and temper burst from the pressure. Suddenly, the whole day caught up with me. If you hadn't done your thing back there in the alley, my goose would have been cooked before J.R.

It was silly to feel bad about not fulfilling an offer I didn't have to make, but I did. He turned and strode off down the street without looking back.