Added support for requestVideoFrameCallback API for MediaStreamTrack-based backends ( r284528).Changed to obtain consent to create a new credential when the platform authenticator is in excludedCredentials. This improves compliance with the WebAuthn spec (Step 3.1 of makeCredential).

Ensured CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage(video) uses the right color space ( r284439).Fixed misplaced position: fixed content with async-scrollable iframes when switching tabs ( r284738).Updated smooth scroll animations to run at 120Hz on 120Hz displays ( r285094).Updated appearance of indicator ( r284626).Fixed the intrinsic size of a picture image inside a template ( r284667).Fixed selection extend() with no ranges to trigger an exception ( r285084).Fixed Origin of opaque blob: URLs to be null instead of an empty string ( r284478).Fixed JavaScript URL result to be treated as UTF-8 bytes ( r284934).Fixed form submission to be cancelled if the form gets detached from inside the formdata event handler ( r284660).Fixed form navigations with target=”_blank” to not have an opener ( r284821).Fixed document.open() and friends to use the correct document as a source for reset document’s URL ( r284758).Fixed changing the src attribute of the element inside an ImageDocument to trigger a load ( r284901).Exposed MediaCapabilities to Workers ( r284443).Added support for rel=”noopener/noreferrer” on elements ( r284749).Enabled lazy image loading by default ( r284995).Fixed opacity to flatten when combined with transform-style: preserve-3d ( r285021).style to be readable when it includes a var() ( r285015) Fixed percentages on orthogonal replaced children ( r284548).Fixed CSS serialization affecting grid-auto-flow ( r284876).Fixed box-shadow and text-shadow to yield float values while interpolating ( r284437).Fixed -webkit-background-clip: text to paint correctly for inline box spanning multiple lines ( r284380).Fixed sizing of orthogonal elements with percentage margins ( r284773).Prevented clamping flex base size with min-height, max-height, min-width, and max-width ( r284397).Fixed :host invalidation when combined with pseudo classes in descendant position ( r285100).Serialized :part() argument as identifier ( r284863).Allowed :is and :where after all pseudo elements ( r285054).Added support for more CSS properties for ::marker ( r284519).Added support for ::before and ::after pseudo elements after ::slotted ( r284973).Added support for contain: style for counters ( r284642, r284755).

Safari technology preview 120hz update#
The update addresses a Safari issue where the current version of Safari appears to be limited to a 60Hz refresh rate despite the fact that the new machines support refresh rates up to 120Hz. Safari Technology Preview release 135 includes 120Hz Safari scrolling on displays that support 120Hz refresh rates. The preview version of Apple’s popular browser offers developers and other interested users the ability to try out features that may or may not, debut in future public release versions of Safari. Apple on Monday released Safari Technology Preview 135, the latest version of their developer preview web browser.